.Chop apples into bite-sized chunks.
In a large saucepan over medium heat, melt a knob of coconut oil or ghee. Add chopped apples, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, anise seeds, nutmeg and the scraped vanilla beans, including the empty pod. Pour in two tablespoons of the maple syrup. Stir to coat and cook for 10 minutes or so, until the apples are soft. Let cool slightly.
In a blender place the cooked apples (remove vanilla pod first), remaining two tablespoons maple syrup, and coconut milk. Blend on high until smooth. Taste for sweetness, add more maple syrup if desired.
Pour contents of blender into an ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When complete, fold in roasted hazelnuts. Cover sorbet with plastic wrap and place in the freezer to harden completely.
Remove sorbet at least 15 minutes before serving to soften. Serve with extra maple syrup, if desired.