Grind grains in food processor util finely ground.
Heat the ghee on low heat until bubble starts forming. Add turmeric and black pepper.
Add the grains and cinnamon. Fry in ghee for about 5 minutes or until golden.
Boil water in kettle.
Add almonds and dates and fry together with grains for 2-3 minutes.
Add the hot water and stir well. Add coconut milk. Lower temperature and let cook for 30 mins.
Optional toppings:
Shredded coconut, pecans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, ground flax, apples, bananas
Add toppings according to dosha.
Vata pacifying foods:
Ripe bananas, berries, cinnamon, almonds, honey, ginger
Pitta pacifying foods:
Apples, berries, coconut, pumpkin seeds, ground flax, maple syrup
Kapha pacifying foods:
Ripe bananas, almonds, cashews, coconut, walnuts, pumpkin seeds