Stage 3: Re-inoculate

Eat well!

Stage 3 Gut Healing Program: Re-inoculate

During stage three of your four-stage Gut Healing Program, the focus will be to re-inoculate the gut with healthy bacteria so that you can later re-introduce those foods that were causing damage to your body.

This collection will focus on including foods that are both pre and pro-biotic rich to re-establish and help feed the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. The focus will include probiotic foods such as sauerkraut, fermented veggies, organic tempeh, miso, etc. In addition, including soluble fibers like oats, apples, potatoes, and beans, which are pre-biotic food sources, will help with regulation and to keep your healthy bacteria flourishing.  Butyric acid-containing resistant starches will be included as well as they are essential when trying to rebalance your gut microbiota.  

Continue with ginger and peppermint foods as they will providing soothing for the gut lining.  

This collection's primary focus is on eating whole, or fermented foods. Some common allergens will still be removed, however, some foods will be added back in gradually in this phase as we prepare the body for phase four. 

In this stage of your gut program, it's imperative that you use your Food Journal as guidance for re-introduction. If you notice that symptoms re-appear, try removing the fermented or prebiotic-rich foods for 1-4 more weeks.

80 recipes

Helping Leaf
Helping Leaf

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