Easy Low FODMAP Pizza

14 40 731
Ingredients Minutes Calories
Prep Cook Servings
15 min 25 min 4
Easy Low FODMAP Pizza
Easy Low FODMAP Pizza recipe is the simplest and most straightforward of pizza recipes.


2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil (plus extra)
2 2/3 cup Gluten free flour (low FODMAP gluten-free; all-purpose flour; (such as Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free; to 1 Baking Flour; plus extra))
1 tbsp Instant dry yeast, Fleischmann's ((such as SAF brand red label))
2 tsp Baking powder, gluten-free
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Xanthan gum
1 dash Cane sugar
1 1/2 cup Water ((360 ml) warm; (120°F to 125°F (48°C to 52°C)))
2 tsp Apple cider vinegar
1 cup Tomato pizza sauce, canned (Low FODMAP Pizza Sauce)
227 gm Mozzarella cheese, partially skimmed (shredded or thinly sliced low-moisture mozzarella)
1/2 cup slices Pepperoni (Low FODMAP)
1/2 small pepper(s) Red bell pepper (Sautéed red or green; or oyster mushrooms)
1/4 cup Basil, fresh (Fresh; leaves; optional - to be added after baking)
1 serving(s) Low FODMAP Pizza Sauce

Low FODMAP Pizza Sauce

2 1/3 can(28oz) Crushed tomatoes canned (can of either whole peeled; in juice; purée; (or puréed/crushed; ))
1 dash Basil, dried
1 dash FreeFod Garlic Replacer (Low FODMAP friendly)
1 dash Oregano, dried


  1. For the Dough: Take two clean, heavy-duty aluminum rimmed half-sheet pans and generously coat with the extra olive oil. Line each pan with a piece of parchment paper cut to fit (yes, place it over the oiled surface); lightly flour the top of the parchment; set aside.
    1. For Making By Hand: Whisk together flour, instant yeast, baking powder, salt, xanthan gum and sugar in a large bowl to aerate and combine. Add the warm water, vinegar and 2 teaspoons of olive oil and begin to stir together with a sturdy wooden spoon until a wet dough forms, then beat vigorously until mixture looks like a soft, somewhat wet batter with a little elasticity.
    2. For Making With A Stand Mixer: Place flour, instant yeast, baking powder, salt, xanthan gum and sugar in stand mixer bowl fitted with flat paddle attachment and mix on low to aerate and combine. Add the warm water, vinegar and 2 teaspoons of olive oil and mix on low-medium speed until a wet dough forms, then turn speed up to medium to medium-high and beat until mixture looks like a soft, somewhat wet batter with a little elasticity.
  2. Divide dough in half and scrape each half onto one of the prepared pans in the center of the parchment paper, making a rounded mound. Put a little olive oil on your palms and fingers and gently coat the balls with oil and coax them into a nice squat ball shape. Cover each dough ball with a piece of plastic wrap pressed right on the dough surface and place in a warm, draft-free area to rise for 1 hour.
  3. Meanwhile, prep your sauce and toppings. Pizza Sauce should be room temperature, or at least not cold.
  4. After 1 hour, remove the plastic wrap from the dough, coat fingers and palms with a little of the extra olive oil, and press each dough ball into an 11-inch (28 cm) round right on the parchment. Cover with clean plastic wrap and allow the dough to rise for about 20 more minutes while your oven preheats.
  5. Position 2 racks in the two hottest areas of your oven – or one rack in the hottest area, if you are baking them one at a time. Preheat oven to 475°F (240°C).
  6. Bake the pizza crusts for about 15 minutes, rotating front to back and from one rack to the other halfway through baking. The crust should have begun to take on light golden color and you should be able to lift the crust from the parchment and feel a dry crust on the bottom that is beginning to crisp. Go by my recommended visual cues and make sure the crust has begun to “set” and taken on some golden color and crispness, regardless of the time.
  7. For Freezing Crusts: If you want to cool and freeze the crusts, this is your stopping point. Remove pans from the oven and remove crusts from pans, cooling crusts on racks. Once they have cooled, place them in large zipper-top bags and freeze for up to one month, taking care not to bend or crush. Each can get its own bag, or separate with a piece of parchment paper and use one bag. When ready to use, Position 2 racks in the two hottest areas of your oven. Preheat oven to 475°F (240°C).
  8. Lightly oil two clean, heavy-duty aluminum rimmed half-sheet pans. Place frozen crusts on pans, add toppings as described below, and cook until the desired level of doneness.
  9. For Using Crusts Immediately: Quickly lift crusts off of parchment papers and discard papers. Place crusts back on oiled pans, crisped side down.
  10. For Assembly: Quickly, so that pans retain heat, brush the edges of the crust with extra olive oil then spread about 1/2 cup (125 g) of sauce over each crust, leaving about half an inch (12 mm) border of crust. Scatter cheese and any toppings over the sauce. Bake for about 6 to 8 minutes or until cheese is melted and beginning to bubble and crusts are browned and crisp. Serve immediately.

Instructions for "Low FODMAP Pizza Sauce"

  1. Using Whole Tomatoes Packed In Juice: Drain the juice and reserve. Pulse canned tomatoes briefly in blender or with immersion blender or press through a food mill fitted with a coarse screen (which is my preference as it will also remove stray peels and seeds). Add juice back in if needed for desired texture.
  2. Using Whole Tomatoes In Purée: Pulse canned tomatoes with purée briefly in blender or with immersion blender or press through a food mill fitted with a coarse screen (which is my preference as it will also remove stray peels and seeds). Note that you can drain the purée and reserve it as mentioned above, but most pizza makers use everything in the can.
  3. Using Purée or Crushed: These are ready to go right from the can.
  4. Stir together you chosen tomato product, the basil, FreeFod Garlic Replacer and oregano. That’s it. You can use it right away, but I like to make it early in the day I am going to make pizza and allow it to sit at a cool room temperature.
  5. You may refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 2 days. It will last longer but flavors begin to change. You could freeze it, but I think it gets watery and because it is so quick and easy to make, I highly suggest making when you need it.

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