Boil 1/2 cup water. Put dates in a dish with hot water and let soak for about 10minutes. Put dates along with remaining water in a food processor and blend until it becomes a paste.
Pre-heat the oven to 350F°. Separate eggs from yolks and leave egg whites in a large separate bowl. Put egg yolks in the food processor with the dates. Add flours, vinegar, salt, 1 1/2tsp vanilla, butter, milk and baking soda and mix until well blended.
With a hand mixer whisk the egg whites until they’re fluffy and form stiff peaks. Gently fold the egg whites into the batter until fully incorporated.
Pour batter into 2 8-inch round cake pans that have been greased. Bake for 15-25
minutes or until firm and a toothpick inserted through the cake comes out clean. Set the
cake aside to cool.
For the frosting make sure that you’ve refrigerated a can of full fat coconut milk overnight. Scoop the
coconut cream out of the can and leave the thin liquid at the bottom.
Using a hand mixer, whisk the coconut cream for a few minutes until it’s fluffy. Add the cocoa powder, 1 tsp vanilla, salt and honey and whisk. If you want a firmer frosting to work with refrigerate it for 30 minutes. If you want a more drizzly frosting leave it at room temperature.
Frost the cake and sprinkle with shredded coconut (optional).