
8 10 99
Ingredients Minutes Calories
Prep Cook Servings
10 min 0 min 4
Health Highlights
This recipe is based on the famous Ottolenghi's Middle Eastern salad.


90 gm Quinoa, cooked
1 cucumber(s) Cucumber (English)
2 medium shallot(s) Shallots
4 bunch Parsley, Italian, fresh (large bunches)
2 bunch Mint, fresh
1 tsp Allspice, ground
1 pinch Sea Salt (to taste)
1 dash Black pepper (to taste)


  1. Put the quinoa in a fine sieve and put under the cold tap until the water runs clear and most of the starch has been removed. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. Cut the cucumber into 0.5cm dice (a small serrated knife is the best tool for this job) and add to the bowl, along with any juices. Chop the shallots as fine as you can and add to the bowl.
  3. Take a few stalks of parsley and pack them together tightly. Use a large, very sharp knife to trim off the end of the stalks, then chop the remaining stems and leaves as finely as possible and no wider than 1mm. (If you can't achieve that first go, go over the chopped parsley again, this time with the heel of the blade.) Add the parsley to the bowl.
  4. Pick the mint leaves, pack a few together tightly, chop as finely as the parsley and add to the bowl. Finally stir in the allspice, sea salt, and pepper to taste. Add approved dressing. Taste, adjust the seasoning, and serve at room temperature.

Nutrition Facts

Per Portion

Calories 99
Calories from fat 9.5
Calories from saturated fat 3.6
Total Fat 1.1 g
Saturated Fat 0.4 g
Trans Fat 0
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.7 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.5 g
Cholesterol 0
Sodium 63 mg
Potassium 1341 mg
Total Carbohydrate 23.4 g
Dietary Fiber 11.0 g
Sugars 54 g
Protein 4.6 g

Dietary servings

Per Portion

Grain 0.3
Vegetables 4.4

Energy sources


Meal Type(s)
